Well, well, well.
For the first time since I engaged with you lucky people, YOU are telling me something I didn’t know!
So as usual I’m going to go thru the posts in this thread by number ( because it’s the only way I can follow my own mental process!) starting with Peter’s but before that, this is a case of “ follow the money ”.
Nothing new there then.
The simple answer to the legit shops thing is I have no idea! None.
Back then I didn’t care about bootlegs - they were just part of the way things were and impossible to stop.
I recall once meeting with a v v high up UK Gov drugs official who explained how bootlegs =cash=drug trade , but this was quite a while ago……90’s.
So you had “ fan “ bootlegs and also “ professional “ bootlegs which were sold for money via whatever outlets made themselves available eg the shop Peter refers to.
This applied to any big act ie where there was a demand.
My pal Peter Grant was one of the few who would go into shops selling Led Zeppelin BL'’s and cause a bit of havoc ( he was 350 lbs back then!) but as even he said to me, “ it’s a waste of time. The minute I’ve gone they’re back at it ” … so I took the opposite position….I would ENCOURAGE it - if people wanted to record, film, take unlimited photos then fine.
The venues were sometimes a problem because of “ policy ” but as far as my team eg tour manager, road crew/caterers etc were concerned - if they saw anyone recording fine, let them get on with it.
Now of course some of the pea brains in the record cos protested - “ it’s affecting our sales” ( if they were illegal bootlegs how did they know? ) and that’s where Mark’s line about fans having already got the records came into play.
I wonder where he heard that ? 🤡
As you must have realised by now I had nothing but contempt for the senior management at Polygram. NOT the people who did the work, not Warners in the US, I mean the idiots in Baarn in Holland and London running the thing who had NO comprehension at all of what’s it’s like to be a “ fan “ or as far as I could tell, ever listened to music ( well maybe a bit of Ravel’s Bolero during their once a year sex with a rubber doll).
So, here we go starting with Peter’s post.
No idea. I’ve never seen or heard of that one or how it would find its way into a legit shop. The fact the staff didn't realise suggests to me it came in via some record co channel ( not sold to them over the counter) but that seems unlikely. So no idea.
I always wondered how I managed to buy "Golden Demos" at the largest music store in Chicago 
I’ve never heard of Golden Demos, only showers.
During the late 90's it was very usual.
I bought many bootlegs in ordinary music shops, more than half of my big collection.
Not very common in the UK but in the non multiples chain “independent” shops, yes, they would appear.