The closer they get to the original, the more ridiculous it is to me.
I think you nailed it right there. If I made a tribute band, that would be something like a complete rethinking of the material. Put a choir instead of the lead vocals, play guitar solos on a mandolin, and give the craziest ideas a go. Like Postmodern Jukebox — I like these guy's versions of songs sometimes better than the original.
The original poster asked about guitar players, and it's a tough talk. I can't discuss guitar playing as I never listen to the bands in question, but I can comment on people. Oscar is the GOAT, a really fine guy. I like his openness and attitude. Marco seems to be a little over the top with his Ferraris and whatnot, maybe not somebody I'd want to have a pint of beer with. Terence, if I remember correctly, according to Chris Whitten, gave the most faithful impression of the DS guitar player and singer's work.
Accent sucks, and it's something even I get bashed over and over with my bedroom videos, I can imagine them getting tons of hate because of that. On the other hand, it's completely understandable. Just like me, they'd rather sing songs in English that are in demand than resort to performing music in their native language, which, most of the time, is of a very mediocre quality. I'd hate to do that. Better to be in a tribute band, or like me at least do lessons on YouTube.