My thoughts exactly!
How much data are we talking about, roughly? 1-2 TB maybe? Does it take a fully fledged web server, or will some simple cloud storage do the job?
pcloud ( looks quite useful to me for cloud storage. They offer a 2 TB lifetime subscription (99 years) for the price of 2 years of Google Drive!
It is now about 4,4 TB weight.
Pc cloud has a 2 TB traffic limit
Google drive can link to Knopflertk tracker.
Nothing lasts forever in the digital world. Even 99 years.
4,4 TB

That's a lot!
So, where is the data, actually? On GD or on Knopflertk?
There are other providers that offer unlimited data and are still cheaper that GoogleDrive.
Maybe you can reduce it a bit, by taking out the stuff that is easily available on youtube, and just keeping the rare stuff?
Like Peter, I'm ready to pay so we can keep the thing going!