Thank you so much to dustyvalentino for playing the "middleman" and a big thanks to Ed for his explanation. Really appreciate it. I think my cochroach metaphor was fairly rubbish. Apologies. Was trying to make out that you are just about indestructable.
Makes sense regarding the Hal departure and that it wasn't just totally straightforward / amicable. The Podcast I had listened to around 7/8 years ago was with Terry Williams and a random fan... but even the random fan seemed to think it warranted editing out Terry's explanation (whatever that was.) A shame really as that 1983 line up was my favourite (which lasted for about 12 months haha!) Be interesting to find out what Hal played on Love Over Gold exactly back in 1981/82, i've seen write-ups from various fans but that's all to do with their interpretation and what sounded like Mark's playing... or not...
Quite often artists are credited when they may have played on nothing, or the total opposite. I remember with a band called UFO back in the late 1970's (who Ed probably knows of) Keyboard/Guitarist Paul Raymond (who had left chicken shack) actually co-wrote a fair few songs from the 1977 album Lights Out and the follow up Obsession, yet due to contractual reasons and the fact he was under contract from previous management he was never credited on the songs... instead bass player Pete Way, not exactly known for his expansive song arrangements, took the credit. Yet even as a kid (before the internet) I had realised something was off / fishy.
Thanks also to Chris (who I used to read up on regarding his session work years ago.) A superb drummer for those OES gigs regardless of what has been said on these boards, a mammouth tour which would have been extremely tough mentally and physically... yet refreshing to hear his perspective even if sadly they weren't the best of times. Yes, perhaps not an upbeat read for Mark Knopfler fans, but a realistic one. I suppose that's the thing. I can't stand for biased chat. Even your rock heroes are flawed.
Strange as I'm writing this up listening to Julian Cope's superb pop classic "World Shut Your Mouth..." a session Chris apparently played drums on back in 1987.