That's true. I agree. Fans from the forum know a lot about MK because they want to know
Historically I've seen more unsubstantiated guess work than actual facts. This is also highlighted by Ed Bicknell's lengthy posts correcting all the misinformation.
People who were there often have differing experiences, different memories. I know when chatting with Chris White, he remembers things I have absolutely no memory of.
But it's better to get your 'facts' from the people in the room, on the stage, than from people who have used the internet as their research database.
Of course. I just wanted to say that a real, honest biography book will always be needed. I think people like to read a biography if they are moderate fans of the artist.
For me it's always great to read a book about my favourite artist MK even I've been a longtime fan and know (or think) to know a lot about him.
It's always interesting to read about another person's opinion or interpretation of his guitar playing, song writing etc.
But I think a real and honest biographical book only can be written by our man himself.
But this probably will never happen!