I sometimes wonder how he manages it to not be bored to death himself by always the same stuff he literally must have told hundreds of times. Is he really thinking people don't detect it?
That's a good question... Mark is a smart guy, one of the smartest guys I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot, and NO WAY he's not noticing that he's telling the same stories over and over again. I think some of the clues here might be:
1) He's "complete" as a person and it manifests itself in answering all questions the same and doing the music pretty much the same way too
2) He probably knows that die-hard fans are a small percentage of people watching and for the majority of people, it's a new info
3) Answering questions differently requires time and effort, and Mark is telling all the time how he's careful about time
4) The interviewers are usually not die-hards, not prepared properly anyway, or too "official" like Mr Paul Sexton