The first time I met Paul was a Friday afternoon jam session, which turned out to be an informal audition.
The whole thing was a blur. After he left I realised I hadn't taken any of it in. I hoped it wasn't going to be a one off, so I could enjoy it the next time. Luckily they called me again.
The only downer DS gig I think was the final show in Zaragoza. We flew in from Barcelona. I used to like to walk around a city before we played, get the vibe. I also found all the flying quite exhausting. The weather wasn't great (iirc), cool and grey. After the show we were bundled into a car and driven back to the airport to fly back to Barcelona. No party, no thanks, no hanging out with the crew to say goodbye after a very hard and long experience.
Best memories? Usually any spectacular venue in a very nice location - so probably Nimes and Verona.