In my mind I was never contracted for two years. I don't think I would have agreed to two years. I was already fearful and hesitant to agree to one year.
Most of the time, in my experience, the first six months or so are heavily penned in, with additional legs only pencilled in.
On the McCartney tour he agreed to play the first European section, followed by the first North America section. as we started the North America section he agreed to the next European shows and another North America leg (and that's where it ended, nine months on the road).
DS: In my mind, we knew we were playing UK and Europe, then Australia, then USA/Canada, then UK and Europe again. That took us to nearly 12 months. I'm not are I knew any more than that.
I AM sure Mark, John, Ed and the promoters might have discussed other legs and probably planned for them (like S America and Eastern Europe), but I can't remember being asked to tour beyond 1992.