^^ Thanks ^^
Last thing....
It's unfortunate when a band's style changes so much. I guess evolution has to occur or the artist/band becomes stale.
I can't imagine Pick playing on Money For Nothing.
My 'audition' for Mark and John took place at Air Studios while they were mixing OES. They had me re-record songs like 'Calling Elvis' and 'Heavy Fuel'.
As they had already asked Jeff P and Manu K to join them on tour, I perceived they were looking for a drummer in that style to translate the songs from OES to the live stage. BIA as an album and tour was a global phenomenon, so in my mind they actually wanted the drums to be in the same vein as Hakim, Katche and Porcaro. They had parted company with Terry, also not using him on the BIA album, so to me it was not imperative to try and emulate his playing style.