Listened all new tracks - Re-enforces beliefs I have had for years. 1. Guy Fletcher is a terrible producer. 2. I really dislike Chris Whitten playing drums.
New Alchemy tracks sound like bootlegs and OTN songs are a mess.
Just opinions
Unfortunately you are right
The underlying material is so great that it makes the new OTN still enjoyable
1) this is really terribly produced
2) lots of microerrors by MK everywhere vs literally zero in the original On The Night,
as if they had to use the only 1 version they had and who cares ...
3) all songs do not sound like the original OTN at all, sometimes very dry, drums often sound crap
4) PensaSuhr in Tunnel OTN is extremely effected which has a very wierd feeling
5) Alchemy ... new songs sound like an audience bootleg more than a SBD, incredible yes