I just discovered some much more subtle details in Twisting by the Pool, I don't even know where to start...
(I'm going to post it here because I think there must be some retail fanatic out there like me, but I'll go ahead and apologize, because it's a bit long and needs analysis.)
With that, it is clear to me that there are 3 official versions of this song with minor differences.
Well the version that was released today on streaming platforms is the same version that was released on the EP in 1983, however I noticed there are different details in the releases of this song.
1- The TBTP clip on Vevo has the same audio as the version released on the '83 EP, but this same clip released on the Dire Straits The Videos compilation, released in '93 and The Very Best Of Dire Straits, released in '98 , seems to have the audio from the remix version (1988) with some differences.
2- In the version of the TBTP clip present in the vhs released in 1993 and in 1998 when "Gonna be so cool" is sung for the first time, at 0:20, only in these versions is it sung in a unique way, all the others versions are sung the same way, in the Gonna be so cool", at minute 0:20 only occurs in the video versions released in '93 and '98.
3- The Remix version released in 1988, Mark does NOT sing the first chorus in the same way as the 83 EP version, he omits some parts sung "twisting by the pool" (check at 0:30 and 0:36).
4- What we already knew, the version released in 1988 remix, has reverb in Mark's voice and also more volume in some parts and less volume in other parts compared to the version released in 1983 in the ep.
Anyway, 1- there is the EP version of 83. 2- in 1988 it is released remixed, Mark omits some singing parts "twisting by the pool" (see at 0:30 and 0:36). 3- in 1993 the video clip comes out on vhs dire straits the videos use the remixed audio but here when "Gonna be so cool" is sung for the first time at 0:20 only in these versions is it sung in a unique way, it launches similarly 1998 vhs and dvd. 4- The CD version The Very Best of Dire Straits (1998) is the same as the 1983 EP.
Just as a curiosity, and just to remind you, here is a version of Twisting by the Pool Remix, released in 1988 in the aforementioned collection.
Here is here is the version of the EP, released in 1983.
Logo in the first lines is possible to notice differences in voice.
Anyway, I know this is crazy, whoever has the videos of Dire Straits (1993), or the dvd The Very best of Dire Straits (1998) will be able to follow my analysis, but, for that, they will have to be crazy like me !