Building guitars properly is a hard thing to do, kudos to Ingo for nailing this down to a single wire. It's funny how probably every MK fan who plays guitar goes through the phase of getting mesmerized by the Schecter Dream Machine. I wanted this guitar with its weird controls and looks so bad when I was a kid. So to me, it's still a dream machine if you know what I mean
Nowadays, I do realize it's just an instrument, like any other.
I always loved the idea of toggle switches for pickups, that's so much better than your standard 5-way, let alone 3-way switches, which was terribly unclear to me. More guitars should be like this, like Brian May's Red Special, which not only has toggle switches for pickups but even for phase/out of phase controls. That's the way you do it! Makes you think that these "perfect" and "legendary" guitars aren't so perfect after all...
two weeks ago I played on a Red special replica. nice guitar, legendary.
But I found not that easy to have all this toogle switches. a little bit "difficult" to fin the sound you want
I like the 5 way switches on a strat : you can switch easily and directly from a sound to another one while playing.
I think that guitars with all this buttons are made to keep the same sound during the whole song.
Thats' why I want to keep a "normal" strat kind guitar with my red one : a guitar for playing in jams, blues, and that kind off stuff. You don't know in advance what you are going to play : rhythm, strumming, arpeggios, lead... you need to have an easy way to switch your sound quickly.
I think I will used my schecter replica more for recording stuff, when you want a specific sound at one time
but eh, I will bring it in jam too, for the look