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Author Topic: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun  (Read 84646 times)


  • Romeo
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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2009, 10:14:29 PM »

You have to switch the search option over to "MP3 Downloads" on top in the drop down menu. But even if you do that, it doesn't seem to be there.

Thanks for the hint, but that doesn't work for amazon.de. Maybe they'll add the bonus song next week.
And she's sitting in her Lusso, in the early morning sun.

OfflineHoops McCann

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2009, 10:17:35 PM »
Early Bird is there too, probably better to buy it from Amazon rather than iTunes, no DRM and MP3 format.

That's what I was thinking...until I found a certain FLAC download link. I think it's fairly funny that a lossless version emerged for free, while the song is only being sold as an mp3. Was heavy drinking involved in developing the new MK Inc. marketing plan?  ;)

Well, I guess that's because of one of those people who like to talk about the amount of music they have in TeraBytes and convert everything to FLAC (even the crappy bootleg recordings!). As long as every song of about 5 minutes takes over 30 MB on your hard disk, there is a chance you beat everyone. ;D It's something with "size" and "matters". ;)

Oh? And where did you read that?

I saw you wrote above that "FLAC is pretty useless", and without attempting to insult you, I think that's just about the most misguided statement I've read here in a long time. FLAC is for people who enjoy lossless audio- who don't appreciate the atrocious sound of an mp3, or should I say "empty3s".  :P
"...I was prompted to check out some of the threads you have going which are often unintentionally funny, wildly speculative and sometimes just plain deluded..." - Ed Bicknell



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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2009, 10:25:59 PM »
Lossless audio is of course better than an Mp3 (even a 320 kb/s), that's true. But seen the fact that (most of) the recordings which are available on the internet (such as bootlegs) are of relatively bad quality themselves, it is pretty useless to make them even bigger. A bad recording doesn't sound much better when converted from WAV to FLAC. Actually every conversion decreases the quality of the recording. Probably, the FLAC which is circulating on the internet is a conversion of the 256 kb/s Mp3: the chance that someone could get a good quality (lossless) audio file (for example an original CD) of Early Bird is close to zero. Pumping up the size of a 256 kb/s Mp3 doesn't automatically increase the quality, only size. You can't create what isn't there with digital audio, that's my point. :)

Love Expresso

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2009, 10:28:12 PM »
Where can I hear the snippet? On knopfler-info I can


  • Romeo
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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2009, 10:31:24 PM »
Ustas posted a link: http://www.mark-knopfler.info/news/2009/09/a-new-non-album-track-time-in-the-sun/
Perhaps you should use another browser? I suppose you need a flashplayer for the widget.

EDIT: direct link: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=mark+knopfler+time+in+the+sun
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 10:34:01 PM by Justme »
And she's sitting in her Lusso, in the early morning sun.

OfflineHoops McCann

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2009, 10:34:14 PM »
Lossless audio is of course better than an Mp3 (even a 320 kb/s), that's true. But seen the fact that (most of) the recordings which are available on the internet (such as bootlegs) are of relatively bad quality themselves, it is pretty useless to make them even bigger. A bad recording doesn't sound much better when converted from WAV to FLAC. Actually every conversion decreases the quality of the recording. Probably, the FLAC which is circulating on the internet is a conversion of the 256 kb/s Mp3: the chance that someone could get a good quality (lossless) audio file (for example an original CD) of Early Bird is close to zero. Pumping up the size of a 256 kb/s Mp3 doesn't automatically increase the quality, only size. You can't create what isn't there with digital audio, that's my point. :)

Yes, I know, but in this case the FLAC download of Early Bird was actually lossless. I checked it in Adobe Audition.
"...I was prompted to check out some of the threads you have going which are often unintentionally funny, wildly speculative and sometimes just plain deluded..." - Ed Bicknell


Love Expresso

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2009, 10:36:25 PM »
Ustas posted a link: http://www.mark-knopfler.info/news/2009/09/a-new-non-album-track-time-in-the-sun/
Perhaps you should use another browser? I suppose you need a flashplayer for the widget.

EDIT: direct link: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=mark+knopfler+time+in+the+sun

Great, thanks Justme!
I works fine now. Sounds like Smokie somehow, ...  ::)



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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2009, 10:36:34 PM »
Lossless audio is of course better than an Mp3 (even a 320 kb/s), that's true. But seen the fact that (most of) the recordings which are available on the internet (such as bootlegs) are of relatively bad quality themselves, it is pretty useless to make them even bigger. A bad recording doesn't sound much better when converted from WAV to FLAC. Actually every conversion decreases the quality of the recording. Probably, the FLAC which is circulating on the internet is a conversion of the 256 kb/s Mp3: the chance that someone could get a good quality (lossless) audio file (for example an original CD) of Early Bird is close to zero. Pumping up the size of a 256 kb/s Mp3 doesn't automatically increase the quality, only size. You can't create what isn't there with digital audio, that's my point. :)

Yes, I know, but in this case the FLAC download of Early Bird was actually lossless. I checked it in Adobe Audition.

In that case, forget everything I said about it! ;D If it is lossless, it's GOOOOOOOOD!


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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2009, 10:38:04 PM »
Lossless audio is of course better than an Mp3 (even a 320 kb/s), that's true. But seen the fact that (most of) the recordings which are available on the internet (such as bootlegs) are of relatively bad quality themselves, it is pretty useless to make them even bigger. A bad recording doesn't sound much better when converted from WAV to FLAC. Actually every conversion decreases the quality of the recording. Probably, the FLAC which is circulating on the internet is a conversion of the 256 kb/s Mp3: the chance that someone could get a good quality (lossless) audio file (for example an original CD) of Early Bird is close to zero. Pumping up the size of a 256 kb/s Mp3 doesn't automatically increase the quality, only size. You can't create what isn't there with digital audio, that's my point. :)

Let's not forget, the individual who released this particuar file has official links to MK, so entirely possible.

As for your comments about all these "bad quaility" bootlegs, well just stick around here for a while, "watch and learn son, watch and learn." ;)
"You can't polish a doo-doo" - Mark Knopfler

Love Expresso

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2009, 10:40:32 PM »
"Time In The Sun" - only 2:52 min. long...



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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2009, 10:41:45 PM »
If you follow the first link, it says that you can buy the song for $ 0,99. It seems that you can buy the single song (which is, of course great!). :)

OfflineBest Brown Baggies

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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2009, 10:44:56 PM »
I havn't tried it yet, but can you buy 'Early Bird' & 'Time In The Sun' NOW as an Amazon $0.99 mp3 download?

Cheers    BBB
And a crowd of young boys they're fooling around in the corner
Drunk and dressed in their best brown baggies and their platform soles.


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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2009, 10:51:02 PM »
Perhaps not

1) The release date in US - September 15
2) The digital download at Amazon US is avialable for US resindents with US IP address. I think so


  • Lady writer
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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2009, 10:52:17 PM »
If you click further, it shows that the songs are not available (yet). I guess we have to wait two more days.


  • Guitar George
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Re: New non album track from Get Lucky - Time In The Sun
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2009, 11:19:14 PM »
OMG they're kidding us all!  :o ;D What's that? the mighty treasure hunt?  ??? ;D
I think I'll wait to download till Christmas, so I'll have probably all the 25 unreleased tracks.  ::) ;D
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.


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