During some Golden Heart interviews, MK mentioned that in the beguining of his Golden Heart sessions, he had different bands to play different kind of songs, he mentioned that he had a British band, an Irish band and a Nashville band.
The Irish and Nashville are well knows as songs recorded by those are on "Golden Heart", about the British band, it was only known that Nick Lowe, Paul Carrack and Bobby Irwin were part of that band, that they played at the Golden demos songs "No wonder he's confused" and "The secondary waltz", an early rock version of the song that would appear on KTGC. It was also supposed that they also played on "My Claim to Fame" but that was not 100% sure.
Searching for more info, I found here in amit a post where Dusty mentioned a magazine where there was more info about it, actually he sent a pdf of the MK interview, but unfortunately it was one of those posts that for any reason, it missed part of the messages and the pdf link didn't worked anymore, but I managed to find which magazine was and I bought a copy on ebay.
It's a very interest interview and on it MK says the following:
The British band members were:
Nick Lowe: bass
Bobby Irwin: drums
Paul Carrack: keyboards
Don Orleano: bouzouki and mandolin
Kevin Brown: guitar
Brian Masterson was at charge of those sessions.
It mentions that Don Orleano was also part of the Irish band, according to the interview but it doesn't appear on the GH credits of the irish type of songs on GH.
MK also mentions in the interview that he used his British band to record a song about a person who built ships, that's "My Claim to Fame", so it confirms who the band that played on this song were, Nick Lowe, Bobby Irwin, Paul Carrack, Don Orleano and Kevin Brown. Possibly also Guy Fletcher as a DSIS newsletter said Guy was working with MK in songs for the "Swan Hunter" documentary (the three instrumental tracks on the Golden Demos) and "MY Claim to Fame" was written for the closing credits of that documentary.
That's a great discovery to me! I'd love to hear and read more about those sessions with that band, it's a pitty we only have that two songs (No wonder he's confused and The Secondary Waltz)... I read in an old italian fanzine that also two other songs called "Batting for England" and "The Speedway at Nazareth" were played in those sessions, but can't find any other info about that two