Would it be difficult to implement an Ignore function? Asking for a friend.
No joke. AMIT already has a function like this and it's called "Get a life". As if we don't know you're talking about me. Unlike you, I can talk openly and not in riddles.
I'll admit I'm excessively active in some topics lately, but I'm only excessively active in topics where there is a surprising amount of misunderstanding, false accusations of Mark and/or other members of the forum or the band, ex-band members who think they are the only source of truth and answer to everybody who they do not agree with in short, passive-aggressive sentences, and generally filled with some bad takes on things.
If you want short-form content, go on TikTok, you won't find me there. A forum is a place to express opinions, have a discussion, provide evidence and share the fun of having a big group of people who spent a considerable amount of their life studying and listening to their favourite music. If you are too sensitive to this, just ignore it altogether or provide a decent, worthy answer. Telling me to stop or request an ignore function — is not a good answer.
I'll go away for a while because the level of absurdity here has gained new heights in part thanks to Chris and his behaviour, in part thanks to you. Everybody who knows me personally knows that I am basically like a poodle and won't harm a fly, but I am very defensive of my position and very against bullshit. I also write very fast and these things don't take time for me, and I'm more than happy to accept a different opinion if it's expressed in a good way. Have a nice day.