I don't know what to make of all this....we have been clamoring for bonus material for literally years. Now it has arrived and we say it's a ripoff?? It's just marketing--it is sort of a ripoff but that's one of consequences of effective marketing--it makes you buy things more than once. Back in the days of cd singles, 12' versions, etc. many bands marketed the crap out of their songs--and the hard core fans bought ANYTHING that had ANYTHING they didn't already have on it. Even if it was just a two minute song, or if it had a different cover, etc.
I'm not saying it's sensible, fandom is borderline maniacal. But, can you blame record companies or artists for trying to exploit that? Does anyone think spending $40 or so for a concert t-shirt is a good value? In this age of easy internet downloads we are spoiled and we know we can just go ahead and steal nearly anything we want. It's convenient but sad....I can't imagine being an artist like MK and reading all of these reviews of a new cd that you know no one paid a cent for, they all stole it and then couldn't even wait to post their opinions on it.
I won't buy the deluxe box set or whatever it is because it's not a good value. I might buy the iTunes download (if it's even available in the US) because ten bucks or so for one new MK bonus song is worth it--to me, anyway. I already have a priceless collection of MK's live concerts, b-sides, demos, you name it. I paid nothing for most of it, it was supplied by other MK Knuts. Just because all that was free doesn't mean that I shouldn't pay for the new music that (thankfully) MK is creating.
Don't get me wrong, I agree the price seems way too high. But we asked--even begged for some STUFF. Now it's here, even if it's not exactly what we asked for. Enjoy the music!!!
Keep Knopflerin'