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Author Topic: #78 DTRW TOUR - Sep 13 2019 - Keller Auditorium, Portland, OR, United States  (Read 11160 times)


  • A Mark in Time
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    • A Mark in Time
DTRW TOUR 2019 [C 78] USA/Canada leg 21

Location:- https://www.portland5.com/keller-auditorium
Buy Tickets:- https://portland5.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3APCPA%3APCPA19%3AKA0913%3A&linkID=pcpa&shopperContext=&pc=&caller=&appCode=&groupCode=CONCERTS&cgc=&RSRC=ComWebsite&RDAT=MarkKnopflerEventPage&_ga=2.188251181.401629125.1543603019-192159011.1543603019
Clock @ Weather: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/portland-or

Guy Fletcher D.T.R.W. tour Diary: http://guyfletcher.co.uk/2019-u-s-tour-diary
Richard Bennett Notes from the Road: https://www.richard-bennett.com/notes-from-the-road

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Buy USB’S of this concert:- https://store.markknopfler.com/down-the-road-wherever-live-2019?utm_source=website&utm_medium=landingpage&utm_campaign=04_25_19&utm_content=dtrw_liveconcerts
29 songs were played on the 2015 tour
22 songs yet played on this tour

01. Why Aye Man
02. Corned Beef City
03. Sailing to Philadelphia (Danny as second voice)
04. Once Upon A Time In The West
05. Romeo and Juliet
06. My Bacon Roll
07. Matchstick Man
08. Done With Bonaparte
09. Heart Full of Holes
10. She's Gone
11. Your Latest Trick
12. Postcards from Paraguay
13. On Every Street
14. Speedway at Nazareth
15. Money For Nothing
16. Going Home
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 12:45:46 AM by allen »
My idea of heaven is a place where the Tyne meets the Delta, where folk music meets the blues.


  • Romeo
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A quote from Richard Bennett:

"Mark played as good as I’ve heard him in all these years I’ve been around and the band followed suit.  Perhaps as good a show as we’ve played the entire tour."

Was anyone there for this? how good was it?
Knopfler, Oldfield and Gilmour is all the guitar I need.


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A quote from Richard Bennett:

"Mark played as good as I’ve heard him in all these years I’ve been around and the band followed suit.  Perhaps as good a show as we’ve played the entire tour."

Was anyone there for this? how good was it?

The best they played ever.

Until they play the next.

And go on.
So Long


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Neither Richard nor Guy are unbiased, and nor can we trust their memory. The fans, however, listen regularly to recordings from all the various tours and have a much more objective view of how Mark and the band have evolved.


  • Camerado
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Neither Richard nor Guy are unbiased, and nor can we trust their memory. The fans, however, listen regularly to recordings from all the various tours and have a much more objective view of how Mark and the band have evolved.

Afraid I’m inclined to agree. The whole outfit has got too big again (ironically, Mark’s reason for ending DS.)
I do miss the days of the KTGC tour when Guy would name specific members of the band who’d played extremely well that evening. I seem to remember he often would compliment Matt Rollings and John quite a bit.
Now I wonder how well they can hear individual parts and really tell who is playing what.


  • Rüdiger
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Now I wonder how well they can hear individual parts and really tell who is playing what.

I don't think that is hard to tell especially since he is using ear monitor.

The haters are those who write shit

Two weeks in Australia and Sydney striptease


  • Camerado
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I get that but they seem to be playing more songs on this tour where more of the instruments are playing the same lines and melodies as Mark.


  • Rüdiger
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I get that but they seem to be playing more songs on this tour where more of the instruments are playing the same lines and melodies as Mark.

Nobody sounds the same.
The haters are those who write shit

Two weeks in Australia and Sydney striptease


  • Lady writer
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    • Here some occasionally resonable music..
I get that but they seem to be playing more songs on this tour where more of the instruments are playing the same lines and melodies as Mark.

Nobody sounds the same.

DS, some friendly advice from a long time music teacher, listen again, loads of melody, counter melody, and harmony,. :-)


  • Rüdiger
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I get that but they seem to be playing more songs on this tour where more of the instruments are playing the same lines and melodies as Mark.

Nobody sounds the same.

DS, some friendly advice from a long time music teacher, listen again, loads of melody, counter melody, and harmony,. :-)

Maybe you are right.

From personal experience when attending a show and  watching the musos, I have the "feeling" that I can spot sound coming from each one playing so I guess Guy is even better at that.
But without the visual, on some part I surely couldn't tell.

The haters are those who write shit

Two weeks in Australia and Sydney striptease


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