It's not so much that setlists are static during a specific tour, that wouldn't bother me if they did evolve more between tours.
The overall structure of a MK set has never really evolve for ….ages
it goes like this (for me)
4-6 songs (1 or 2 from the new record, 3 if very lucky) (1 "surprise")
3 songs (maybe 1 from the new record and usually 1 "surprise")
1 famous song or 2 from BIA, usually SFA
going home
Basicaly you just have to fill in the blank spaces with (marbletown, hillfamer, corned beef, what it is)
you get an average of 3 songs from the last record and maybe 1 or 2 real surprises.
We are used to it but I wish setlist would be shaken up a bit.