For all those searching for restaurants, just stay away from the square of the arena (Piazza Bra). Search in the streets behind.
Tourist tips: Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza dei Signori are worth a stop for sure. Ponte Pietra and Castel San Pietro as someone already stated are amazing too. Via di Sottoriva (nice small restaurants there), beautiful churches: Santa Anastasia, San Zeno, San Giorgio, San Fermo. Best winery: Osteria del Bugiardo (Corso di Porta Borsari) and Osteria Dal Zovo (very near to Osteria del Bugiardo). Amazing Coffee: Caffè Borsari (it's in Corso di Porta Borsari too), stop and see the hundreds of coffee and tea cups in the shop windows.
I can't put a map here, but if you search on Google maps you'll find all the places.