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Author Topic: #07 DTRW TOUR - May 05 2019 - Navarra Arena, Pamplona, Spain #SPOILER#  (Read 91232 times)


  • Guitar George
  • Posts: 1
  • Registered: May 2015
    Just a couple of things:

    1) Sometimes I can't believe if is this really a MK's fans forum.

    2) Thanks to superval for his words, I'm absolutely agree with him. Nobody should judge about the health and the sensations of a person at a determinate age.

    As a conclusion:
    - obviously MK isn't in tour for money and he doesn't need to cheat us
    - obviously he isn't the same he was, there are 69 reasons to be so.

    So, I think he's giving us all that he can. I was in Barcelona and the show was really great, he gives us great surprises (OUATITW, SB, WAM...), surely the execution is not what it was but the set is nice and overall is an excellent farewell.

    And finishing, I think we could be more generous and thank to the man who put our life's soundtracks, and simply enjoy and say him goodbye.

    This is only my opinion about what should be a fan's forum in our circumstances.


    • Local Hero
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    • Location: Lyon, France
    • Registered: April 2019
    TR is gone and ?
    It has been played during quite all MK solo tour.
    Everyone is asking change in setlist, but when there is a change, there are complains. TR gone is not a problem as we have the chance this tour to have some new things (OUATITW, Silvertown, MFN is back, HFOH, YLT...). I'm happy to have so many changes in setlist for the last tour. Previous tours were very similar (Marbeltown 15mn, Block SAN, TR, BIA, SFA .....). So i will enjoy the show tonight in Bordeaux as the one from Barcelona.


    • Lady writer
    • ****
    • Posts: 773
    • Registered: April 2010
    TR is gone and ?
    It has been played during quite all MK solo tour.
    Everyone is asking change in setlist, but when there is a change, there are complains. TR gone is not a problem as we have the chance this tour to have some new things (OUATITW, Silvertown, MFN is back, HFOH, YLT...). I'm happy to have so many changes in setlist for the last tour. Previous tours were very similar (Marbeltown 15mn, Block SAN, TR, BIA, SFA .....). So i will enjoy the show tonight in Bordeaux as the one from Barcelona.

    Have a nice one! Today the start is already 19.30?


    • Guest
    Someone on Guy's forum says the running of the bulls was prohibited yesterday. Wonder what that's all about and if it's permanent.


    • Local Hero
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    • Location: Lyon, France
    • Registered: April 2019
    Yez, with opening act ! So MK should be at 8:30pm i think.

    TR is gone and ?
    It has been played during quite all MK solo tour.
    Everyone is asking change in setlist, but when there is a change, there are complains. TR gone is not a problem as we have the chance this tour to have some new things (OUATITW, Silvertown, MFN is back, HFOH, YLT...). I'm happy to have so many changes in setlist for the last tour. Previous tours were very similar (Marbeltown 15mn, Block SAN, TR, BIA, SFA .....). So i will enjoy the show tonight in Bordeaux as the one from Barcelona.

    Have a nice one! Today the start is already 19.30?


    • Brother in Arms
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    • Location: Drovers Road
    • Registered: May 2010
    Just reading through all of the comments about last night's show.   I'm sorry that TR has disappeared again from the set, but not surprised at all.  If MK feels he is not doing justice to the song, then it is best it is dropped, at least for a few shows anyway.   Who knows, maybe it will return somewhere. 

    Regarding MK's age - 70 in a few weeks time.  Most of those complaining on this forum are around 30 years younger than he is and don't have a clue about what could be ahead of them in the future.   I am probably one of the oldest on this forum and a few years older than MK, so I know what I'm talking about.  I know my fingers are not what they used to be, for example!  This is his final tour and I have already said that he may have taken on too much with such a long tour, but the fact that he is doing this tour for the fans is to be applauded and I intend to take in every note and enjoy every minute - I will probably shed a few tears too!    Thank you MK!    :clap

    Superb words, Superval...I'm like you in that tears will no doubt appear...
    * Mark Knopfler - NOT just a hobby, but a way of life!

    * Owner of Two Fender 'Mark Knopfler' Signature Series Stratocaster's (SE00616 & SE03805) both with signed Fender labels after meeting MK at Bridport, Dorset UK on the 27/09/2013!


    • Lady writer
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    • Early Bird
    • Posts: 656
    • Location: Sweden
    • Registered: October 2018
    With WAM back it's a really good setlist despite TR being dropped so let's hope it was just temporarily. But I'm afraid it could be permanent, why else drop one of the most certain songs in the average setlist....

    Well, he did in the US during the Tracker tour also. Maybe he was starting to having issues already then. Was that when he started shaking his hands a lot?

    I'm don't blame him for dropping anything, for health or artistic reason, whatever the case may be, but in my opinion he fails to compensate accordingly.

    He did shake them in Europe too.
    I was in Uppsala and it was not the warmest weather, as he also said about the "Cold hand version" of SOS  8)


    • Brother in Arms
    • ********
    • Posts: 4734
    • Location: Drovers Road
    • Registered: May 2010
      Just a couple of things:

      1) Sometimes I can't believe if is this really a MK's fans forum.

      2) Thanks to superval for his words, I'm absolutely agree with him. Nobody should judge about the health and the sensations of a person at a determinate age.

      As a conclusion:
      - obviously MK isn't in tour for money and he doesn't need to cheat us
      - obviously he isn't the same he was, there are 69 reasons to be so.

      So, I think he's giving us all that he can. I was in Barcelona and the show was really great, he gives us great surprises (OUATITW, SB, WAM...), surely the execution is not what it was but the set is nice and overall is an excellent farewell.

      And finishing, I think we could be more generous and thank to the man who put our life's soundtracks, and simply enjoy and say him goodbye.

      This is only my opinion about what should be a fan's forum in our circumstances.

      At times, I do wonder too especially with the negativity that seems to fly around...

      Let's just enjoy MK 'Live' while we can....
      * Mark Knopfler - NOT just a hobby, but a way of life!

      * Owner of Two Fender 'Mark Knopfler' Signature Series Stratocaster's (SE00616 & SE03805) both with signed Fender labels after meeting MK at Bridport, Dorset UK on the 27/09/2013!


      • Erwin Knopfler
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      • Location: UK
      • Registered: August 2008

      Goin' into Tow Law....


      • Brother in Arms
      • ********
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      • Location: Drovers Road
      • Registered: May 2010

      Thanks Superval99, very nice version :wave
      « Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 10:11:56 AM by Knopflerfan »
      * Mark Knopfler - NOT just a hobby, but a way of life!

      * Owner of Two Fender 'Mark Knopfler' Signature Series Stratocaster's (SE00616 & SE03805) both with signed Fender labels after meeting MK at Bridport, Dorset UK on the 27/09/2013!


      • Erwin Knopfler
      • **********
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      • Registered: August 2008
      Yes, I liked it too.  Maybe he will play it in Leeds.    :think
      Goin' into Tow Law....


      • Brother in Arms
      • ********
      • Posts: 4734
      • Location: Drovers Road
      • Registered: May 2010
      Yes, I liked it too.  Maybe he will play it in Leeds.    :think

      Fingers crossed, you never know....
      * Mark Knopfler - NOT just a hobby, but a way of life!

      * Owner of Two Fender 'Mark Knopfler' Signature Series Stratocaster's (SE00616 & SE03805) both with signed Fender labels after meeting MK at Bridport, Dorset UK on the 27/09/2013!


      • Lady writer
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      • Early Bird
      • Posts: 656
      • Location: Sweden
      • Registered: October 2018
      Yes, I liked it too.  Maybe he will play it in Leeds.    :think

      Fingers crossed, you never know....

      No, we certainly don't know at all, at the moment WAM/TR is a MK lottery  :lol

      In a month when we can make some actual stats which songs have been performed most we might have a clue which ones were actually dropped...


      • Honorary Knopfler fans- Editor
      • Mark F. Knopfler
      • **********
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      • Location: Gone
      • Registered: August 2008
      I still amazes me that there are always people who, instead of give their opinion and respect the opinion of the rest, believe that are entitled to say to who has a different opinion that they are right and the rest are wrong.

      You people, are boring and irritating as hell.

      So Long


      • Lady writer
      • ****
      • Posts: 773
      • Registered: April 2010
      I still amazes me that there are always people who, instead of give their opinion and respect the opinion of the rest, believe that are entitled to say to who has a different opinion that they are right and the rest are wrong.

      You people, are boring and irritating as hell.



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