meantime on every street going down remembering the set lists of the two previous tours, from the first dates onwards there have not been many changes in the following dates, except for guests, the set lists have always been static.
Last tour Mark played
Broken-replaced by Nobody
Hill farmers- replaced by OUATITW
Sultans-replaced by Bacon
multitime Marbletown-replaced by silvertown & Heart
in conclusion a few tweaks but the concert structure has not changed much, except for the presence of brass instruments.
A question: knowing that this is the last tour, at least on a large scale, fully satisfies you?
Not really a fair analysis.
Bonaparte was only played twice on the last tour.
OES only on the US part of the tour so so 99% of the audience that new.
Same goes for Your Latest trick
Also totally ignoring the return of MFN - I guess 99% will be so glad to have that back. and
STF and Matchstick Man
On top of that quite new arrangements for a lot of the songs.
That makes it 8-9-10 changes from the last euro tour - thats about HALF of the show.
I think they have made some mighty fine choices and have a very smooth working show which is WAY better than last tour.