I have a simple philosophy: as long as there is a way to buy things legally for a reasonable price and delay, I always choose this path; if that's not the case, I have no remorse whatsoever using other means, and I am very upfront about it. I have bought every single possible thing Mark has ever released. Except this box. I just bought the deluxe CD. I have no turntable, no use for 12'' tablatures and artwork, and I would only have bought it for these bonus tracks. This in itself was not fair (64€ extra for 3 songs !) but making them only available on LP is adding insult to injury. I am sick and tired of "bonus songs". Just put all the available music on CD(s), make me pay whatever fair price is appropriate, and if people want an expensive super-deluxe box, put in it Mark's replica of his underwear worn on the last concert of the tracker tour, or a piece of Ruth Moody's panties, whatever, but NOT extra music !
Anyway, thanks Knopflerfan !