Gave it a another complete listen this morning with the clear order not to skip anything and went through from track 1 to 16 enjoying it overall immensly.
Minor complaints about the running order but that's just me. Kicking out Just A Boy and replacing it with Don't Suck Me In and kicking out When You Leave completely plus Pale Imitation instead of Slow Learner and it would indeed be a really great album close to brilliant. So it is "just" a very very good album.
I have also given the new album a good listening from my hi-fi system and also on my mp3 player and and it is definitely growing on me. I have actually managed to listen from the beginning to the end, without gritting my teeth too many times - actually only once during Just a Boy!
As with all of MK's albums, not all of his songs are immediate - they need a little time! He is probably one of the few artists I would do this for, but I love his voice, his style of singing, his lyrics and, of course his guitar. There is no obvious skipper at the moment, except, maybe, Slow Learner, but I'm sure that will come eventually. I haven't taken the three extra tracks into consideration, because of the poor quality, but I'm sure I will love them eventually from what I've already heard.
I make no apologies, or excuses for liking Dancefloor and GOYS so much, because I do like them a lot and people have varying tastes. I loved Tracker and Privateering almost from the start and still do - they are both great albums for me!