I really like your article, Jeff!
Here's another review I just detected in an
Austrian newspaper (my home country) - again a very
positive one:
https://www.tt.com/ticker/15012843/ueberzeugt-in-der-komfortzone-mark-knopflers-souveraenes-spaetwerkBesides some facts, that are already well-known to AMITers, there are also a few (partly album-specific) lines, that may be of interest to you - so I tried to translate these parts for the non-german-speaking majority:
Convincing in the comfort zone: Mark Knopfler's sovereign late workMark Knopfler managed to do something, that only few world stars achieve in dignity: the singer and guitarist stepped back voluntarily into the second row, making smaller records and playing smaller concerts than he did with his Platinum and Stadium rock band dire straits. But he's doing it very, very well - now again on the solemn "Down the road wherever".
As a solo artist, the multiple Grammy winner chooses a different approach since his debut "Golden Heart" (1996): the albums of course are still fantastically produced, but less polished and trimmed on surface charms. The same here on "Down The Road Wherever". As on the predecessors "Privateering" (2012) and "Tracker" (2015) - both reached 1st place in the Austrian album charts - he devotes himself on his favorite music without major compromises.
The new songs again include melancholic ballads, instantly likable singer-songwriter tracks, Celtic folk, Americana and ambitious pop rock, partly with Latin, soul, and jazz elements. Especially the Tom Walsh-trumpet-decorated tracks "When You Leave" and "Slow Learner", the funk track "Nobody Does That" and the bluesy 'Floating away' stand out from the warm, earthy song material.
Another highlight: the nostalgic song "Just a boy away from home", on which Knopfler embeds the football anthem "you'll never walk alone" with his guitar.
In general: This restrained virtuosity, these gently flowing, unpretentious solos manage to impress again and again - as also his nonchalance to insert his rather limited sonorous baritone voice.