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Author Topic: Official 2019 Tour Dates  (Read 252886 times)


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #615 on: October 27, 2018, 04:36:41 PM »
sorry if it had been posted before, but in my last mail from MK.com I saw this sentence :

"Fans who take part in Fair Admission process will be seated before regular presale buyers."

so how could regular buyers could have better seats than Fair Admissions buyers ?  ??? :hmm

It states seated before. That doesn't imply that you will be seated in front of regular presale buyers. It actually just says you will be seated as first (and anywhere in the venue they want, but they don't tell you that  ;))

yes thanks for the precision. strange though


  • Guitar George
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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #616 on: October 27, 2018, 05:47:12 PM »
Early entry for seats ?! That's something new !
Ok I've decided to let my mystery "Face Value +10%" FA ticket for Paris lapse. That's called voting with your feet, at least temporarily...
Will give the official TM presale a shot on November 2nd and see what happens. Oh I see that France Billet are showing a 31/10 date for the beginning of the offcial sale and the AccorArena site of 02/11, strange...


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #617 on: October 27, 2018, 05:59:43 PM »
anyway in Italy the official public sale starts next saturday as advertised everywhere and by mk.com itself but by total chance I found out that with a special virginradio site code it started this morning! You can enter the usual official ticketone site with this code, select seats and buy them as usual, really a farce! I have bought tickets super fast and let other friends know, none of them knew and were all waiting for next saturday, really incredible
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 06:02:00 PM by PensaGhost »
A Pensaboy who later became a Pensaghost http://pensaboy.altervista.org/guitar.html

OfflineRolleyway Man

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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #618 on: October 27, 2018, 06:34:07 PM »
There is now an official statement on markknopfler.com from Crockford Management. It says in the second paragraph that fans who attempted buying tickets via Fair Admission will be seated first in the conventional pre-sales. Not sure how that’s going to work, since markknopfler.com and the Fair Admission website have separate logins! Have E-mailed officialCOMMUNITY in an attempt to clarify this, though I doubt I’ll get a reply before the pre-sale starts.


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #619 on: October 27, 2018, 07:42:39 PM »
There is now an official statement on markknopfler.com from Crockford Management. It says in the second paragraph that fans who attempted buying tickets via Fair Admission will be seated first in the conventional pre-sales. Not sure how that’s going to work, since markknopfler.com and the Fair Admission website have separate logins! Have E-mailed officialCOMMUNITY in an attempt to clarify this, though I doubt I’ll get a reply before the pre-sale starts.

Okay I'll explain again. Will be seated first means allocated first. So in time, not in location. Not early entry as mentioned before. So they will allocate your seats in the rows you were offered on sunday after the Fair Admission period has ended and before the MK.com presale starts. (And then you'll probably still have to wait 3 weeks till your seats gets confirmed  :smack)

OfflineRolleyway Man

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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #620 on: October 27, 2018, 07:50:16 PM »
There is now an official statement on markknopfler.com from Crockford Management. It says in the second paragraph that fans who attempted buying tickets via Fair Admission will be seated first in the conventional pre-sales. Not sure how that’s going to work, since markknopfler.com and the Fair Admission website have separate logins! Have E-mailed officialCOMMUNITY in an attempt to clarify this, though I doubt I’ll get a reply before the pre-sale starts.

Okay I'll explain again. Will be seated first means allocated first. So in time, not in location. Not early entry as mentioned before. So they will allocate your seats in the rows you were offered on sunday after the Fair Admission period has ended and before the MK.com presale starts. (And then you'll probably still have to wait 3 weeks till your seats gets confirmed  :smack)

I realise that. But if the markknopfler.com system fails to recognise that you attempted to get tickets via Fair Admission, then they may run out of their ticket allocation before they get to you. What concerns me in particular is that I logged into Fair Admission using a different E-mail address to the one with which I log in to markknopfler.com. This is because I logged in via Facebook.


  • Guitar George
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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #621 on: October 27, 2018, 09:13:21 PM »
There is now an official statement on markknopfler.com from Crockford Management. It says in the second paragraph that fans who attempted buying tickets via Fair Admission will be seated first in the conventional pre-sales. Not sure how that’s going to work, since markknopfler.com and the Fair Admission website have separate logins! Have E-mailed officialCOMMUNITY in an attempt to clarify this, though I doubt I’ll get a reply before the pre-sale starts.

Okay I'll explain again. Will be seated first means allocated first. So in time, not in location. Not early entry as mentioned before. So they will allocate your seats in the rows you were offered on sunday after the Fair Admission period has ended and before the MK.com presale starts. (And then you'll probably still have to wait 3 weeks till your seats gets confirmed  :smack)

Right, so basically it's a "trust us with your money and the extra 10% we're charging for FA and everything will be alright". Side note : "Oh and if it's not, well tough luck, what are you going to do about it ?".

OfflineSimon (formerley known as Simon)

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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #622 on: October 27, 2018, 09:35:22 PM »
Its more like 30%  they are charging extra for FA. Very strange pricing structure. £55 for the ticket (which we assume goes towards the tour costs etc) and another £15 for the hangers-on sticking their filthy mitts in and taking a share for doing absolutely nothing. Its a totally electronic transaction that ends up in us paying 30% more. MK should go into marketing he would make so much more money in that line of business without even having to get out of bed.


  • Guitar George
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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #623 on: October 27, 2018, 09:37:43 PM »
Nashville is still delayed.  Got this message yesterday:

We are writing to let you know that artist management is directly involved in securing pre-sale inventory from the concert promoters for Toronto and Nashville. As such we are unable to assign pre-loaded shopping baskets today. This issue will be resolved before the pre-sale on Monday and Fair Admission accounts will get first access to inventory for these shows. We will be in touch again as soon as we have this resolved. 


We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for using Fair Admission.


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #624 on: October 27, 2018, 10:07:38 PM »
There is now an official statement on markknopfler.com from Crockford Management. It says in the second paragraph that fans who attempted buying tickets via Fair Admission will be seated first in the conventional pre-sales. Not sure how that’s going to work, since markknopfler.com and the Fair Admission website have separate logins! Have E-mailed officialCOMMUNITY in an attempt to clarify this, though I doubt I’ll get a reply before the pre-sale starts.

Okay I'll explain again. Will be seated first means allocated first. So in time, not in location. Not early entry as mentioned before. So they will allocate your seats in the rows you were offered on sunday after the Fair Admission period has ended and before the MK.com presale starts. (And then you'll probably still have to wait 3 weeks till your seats gets confirmed  :smack)
Ok. I got denied in FA for Paris. I received a refusal email advising me to go for presales. Presale for Paris starts Monday 8.00am. What should I do ? 1) Do nothing hoping they will reallocate me seats automatically, with the risk that this won't happen and of loosing opportunity to buy presales tickets as fast as possible ? Or 2) Buy tickets on the presales Monday 8.00am as fast as possible, with the risk of paying for less good tickets than the possible automatic FA re-allocation, ending up paying twice if I want the best tickets  ? I'm confused now...
« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 10:10:25 PM by herlock »


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #625 on: October 27, 2018, 10:33:57 PM »


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #626 on: October 27, 2018, 10:37:07 PM »

Give generously to my bank account!!  :lol I'm sorry, felt like a little fun in all this...
If i was a Fender guitar, Fender painted red...

Love Expresso

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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #627 on: October 27, 2018, 10:37:55 PM »
Guy about it today:

"It's a very messy business out there and a lot seems to have changed in the 4 years since we last went out. One thing that hasn't is our policy on offering the cheapest possible tickets. Your tickets do indeed seem massively expensive and the whole issue of fees is in my mind sheer madness and will inevitably kill the live music scene completely unless there is some serious legislation put in place. Trust me on this, the greed isn't coming from our end."


"We've established that the system of buying tickets in the modern era is well and truly broken, the competing demands of promoters, venues, sponsors, labels, publishers and ticketing companies themselves means that often the ordinary fan gets pushed down the list. We don’t agree with this but it's the reality as it stands. For the record Mark's management have absolutely no control over the ticket fees taken by any ticketing company. The only thing we do is try and keep the ticketing fees through OCC at a level that allows us to maintain the ticketing offer at a break even point."



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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #628 on: October 27, 2018, 11:34:40 PM »
I managed to get tickets for one of the concerts in Sweden...

It's a shame to wait 2-3weeks before you get to know the exact location. All i know is row 1-10 floor section..

nearly 116€ for the ticket with service charge, fee etc. included.... A high price but decided not to risk to get worse rows on Monday...
Pretty high price so maybe I'm in for a good chance of having row 3,4..... or really, will it be row 10? If so it's a robbery if front rows are still available on regular pre-sale...

They could have made all this a lot clearer with the FA shit...

Down The Confusing Unclear Road Whatever Wherever


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Re: Official 2019 Tour Dates
« Reply #629 on: October 27, 2018, 11:44:06 PM »
I decided to let this basket expire for a number of reasons. I did not know in advance what the price of the ticket would be, I did not (and stil don't) know what I'm getting, I don't have a problem with the FA fee but there are 2 other fees even more expensive on top of that for some reason, and it's all or nothing. Once we got our confirmation with all the details a friend bailed out (not that I'm blaming him) and there's no way to adjust the basket.

So I'll just go with the regular sale or not at all.


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