Guy about it today:
"It's a very messy business out there and a lot seems to have changed in the 4 years since we last went out. One thing that hasn't is our policy on offering the cheapest possible tickets. Your tickets do indeed seem massively expensive and the whole issue of fees is in my mind sheer madness and will inevitably kill the live music scene completely unless there is some serious legislation put in place. Trust me on this, the greed isn't coming from our end."
"We've established that the system of buying tickets in the modern era is well and truly broken, the competing demands of promoters, venues, sponsors, labels, publishers and ticketing companies themselves means that often the ordinary fan gets pushed down the list. We don’t agree with this but it's the reality as it stands. For the record Mark's management have absolutely no control over the ticket fees taken by any ticketing company. The only thing we do is try and keep the ticketing fees through OCC at a level that allows us to maintain the ticketing offer at a break even point."