Hi Andy,
welcome to the best MK/DS forum in the world - well we think so anyway
everyone here can echo your comments about your peers not "getting the Knopfler thing".
As I'm not from the UK I'll be collecting my ticket at the door so I would imagine that if you told them that you would collect it that way rather than posting it you might have a safer result.Its strange though that the guys in the UK are having them posted & anyone from outside collects them at the door - when all the tickets bought on mk.com are coming from Canada?
Maybe its because I'm getting older but I dont tend to worry about getting tickets etc before an event because with modern technology they nearly know what MK had for breakfast not to mind tracking a ticket
Theres a good few from here going so dont worry we'll sneak you in someway
You can nearly guarantee that by the time that I'll finish posting you'll have a few more replies as well.Keep posting & keep knopflering we're not a bad bunch really