Which song moves you the most in terms of guitar? I mean, Which one has the best moving solo in your opinion?
In fact the best moving solos FOR ME, are the trumpet ones on when you leave and slow learner.
these two songs move me the most
I love the other songs, but not in term of "moving", more in term of "grooving", "driving", if you see what I mean
There is no moving solo ala BIA , YAYF, etc..it's not this kind of guitars. It's more "ambient style" ala JJ cale, this kind of feeling, or a little bit "rocking" guitars (careful, I mean in MK's world, all is relative, don't expect too much though
) but there are not "epic" or "long" solos
It's more an overall sound feeling.
I have the impresion to hear the same guy who sings and play when it comes to you, millionaire blues, someday, six blade knife, ride across the river...that kind of "atmosphere" song (I think this word is more relevant than "ambient")
sorry for typos, I fixed them