I gave this a few more listens but it got worse rather than better - easily one of my least favourite MK songs. I find it bland, boring, soulless, and lacking in any depth. I find Guy's influence takes the song into areas that I am just not interested in musically - and the lyrics are not capitaving enough to then get me interested. It was similar, though not as much so, with GOYS. Someone said, I think, that it sounded like something on a Guy solo record - and I am not a fan of his music at all. I don't find it innovative - and the fact that it is Mark trying something new matters not a jot to me - for me it is about whether I like the song or not - and I don't like this song. But - that is no big deal as I have said - every Mark album contains songs I love, songs that I like, songs I find ok, and, usually, one or two I don't like at all. For me one of Mark's great strengths is his variety, despite what some say, I find his styles pretty varied amongst genres of music - and it sounds like this album will be no different. I listed earlier the sort of songs I love - my favourite Mark solo songs....to those I would include, over the years.....Golden Heart, Darling Pretty, Night in Summer, Sailing to Philadelphia, What it Is, The Last Laugh, Silvertown Blues, One More Matinee, Speedway, Old Pigweed, Devil Baby, Hillfarmer, Ragpicker, Koxville, Quality Shoe, Stand-Up Guy, Paraguay, Scaffolder, Secondary Waltz, Heart full of Holes.....that's the stuff I love - and I hope to add to that list with some stuff of the new album.