Today on FB I saw a post from a friend of mine who is working at "Matt's guitar shop" with some reals gems including David's black strat, featuring on Sultans[0]=68.ARAh2GDg9Uc5R4u1fmD4LnzTt6w_rtWGfMkLsAzRfY04IPoM2Kuv1f1C_nOzM09qxokJbpxf0RCa7XiR0M3p98yh_MPJCdSCxKzZ76FzXY92nZOskpNAyG8XT8iFArvM8VK4GktZ_kwVKGhAerDQSN2KL5QNQP4DtAstfDPS4WjSWW7n8aDFw8o&__tn__=-R
I asked David and he said that he had to sell it to pay for his next album...
As you maybe remember, Ingo told once that he is 98% sure taht all 3 guitars parts on Sultans (two rhythms on each channel + lead on center) are played by Mark, because his typical fingerstyle is recognisable on both rhyhm parts.
So it would mean that David doesn't appear on Sultans studio version. I didn't want to ask him this, because I didn't want to upset him.
I just posted this comment on my friend's post, and he answered that accoding to David, Mark used this guitar
So it would mean that indeed Mark plays all guitar parts, and one with David's guitar