as always, when you need accuate infos about Mark's gear, there's only one site : Ingo's one orignal sunbrst schecter strat was stolen before the promo tour started. (in august 80 ?)
this guitar was probably bought (with other schecters) in NY in spring 80 (we don't see it on Arena documentary, in march 80), so around april-may 80
I don't know exactly when the sunburst replaced one was bought. was it between these two dates ? or was it before, i.e just at the start of the tour ?
On promo TV tour, I guess he brought not all his gear, so maybe only one guitar for all songs being played (TOL, but also skateaway, expresso love, etc..)
I think That's why he played TOl with the red strat here. But maybe it also could be because the sunburst replaced one was bought after...
in this case it would mean that TOl was played on the red strat on firts gigs of the OL tour (Portland, San Francisco, LA...all gigs during octobre-november)
Ingo any ideas ?