Also check out these related sites:
I rated the Tracker Tour as a bronze, but of the four I attended Manchester merits a Gold for the live performance as well as the recording.I enjoyed Newcastle very much, but the recording was too sharp for my taste, otherwise a Gold.
Some amazing shows for me are:Lörrach, 2013St Julien, 2013Las Vegas, 2013Oakland 2, 2013Paris 1, 2015Seattle (Woodinville) 2, 2015
It seems that only I am delighted
And folks, can you please stop bashing Don70. He has some very valid points, even if he came on strong. Most of you come on pretty strong, too. …This place CAN be very negative and people can be a downer. We’ve had several discussions on this already, so no need to re-hash. I just don't want to continue to lose more people because of the current dynamics here. I keep coming back because I like so many of you, and I really being part of the AMIT family – so no need to tell me to go away, too.