Tonight (no pun
), west side story was aired on french TV, so we watched it with the girls
When Tony sung the song "there's a place for us" I immediately thought to romeo and juliet
I knew that Mark said that the "movie song" was about one featuring in the film, but I didn't know wich one, and I only saw the film once long years ago, I Think before being a DS fan. So I'm glad to have heard it again, after knowing Mark's line.
and by the way, almost 60 years after his release,I found the movie still very fresh and not dated at all.
scenograhy, choregraphy are very innovative, regarding modern musicals like La la land (which I loved too)
oh and happy new year to everyone
to start it fine, I have digitalised all my DS/MK CDs for my files payer, and ordered tracks with bonus, extended versions, demos,etc...
not finished yet, and It's only official material for now !