I love studio versions for many songs, because of the general sound, the tones, the mix, because of the atmosphere, because of many guitar parts that can't be played live, etc...
I was listening to the STP album last week on bike, and there are really many many great "little" things I herad, that I miss on live versions.
And I LOVE What it is, Sailing to Philiadelphia and Baloney again studio versions
Well, you got me now... Yes, of course I love studio versions, too. You can't beat What It Is studio version, although live Philadelphia (09.09.09) I can't listen to the studio version anymore after this one, even with James Taylor's presence. And to me all the songs mentioned before is a testament to "Song is King" approach.
I know I'll upset many people, but I never looked at Mark as Guitar Hero (or Guitar King, please excuse the term), maybe when I just started on guitar. That's because on this project I'm focused on songs, rather than on solos. Solos comes next, first should come a great song.
And if I want to hear a great guitar player, I can go to so many places EXCEPT Mark's music, but he is phenomenal player for his songs.
You know you just can't take something one from Mark, you gotta take the whole package. Which is the song, the guitar and the voice.