Thanks for all the kind comments folks.
Is the singer Emma Forman?
No, Emma is mainly based in Glasgow these days so I don't really get to play with her anymore.
But luckily we have the very talented Nina Eggens, originally from The Netherlands, in The Malpaso Gang.
Emma is a great singer but I'm sure she wouldn't mind me saying that she can be a bit introverted - Nina however is a real show(wo)man and is happy to dance around etc while we take our extended guitar solos!
How is your album coming along btw?
It's really taken a back seat, I've had a busy year anyway, new baby boy, moved back to Aberdeen etc. And then I have the band too.
I do enjoy making the recordings but there's nothing quite like playing live with a band of top musicians like these guys. Recording is a different process, it's satisfying once you've done it but that's it really, it's not like you sit listening to yourself all the time. But with the band it's always fresh. And I write most of the band's songs so it's satisfying seeing where ther guys take my songs.