I saw him in London back in 2016. We were alone in the street and I was completed paralyzed, when I recohnized him. But I enjoyed the moment and didnt ask for an autograph or pic, as I was too shy :' however it was a very special moment for me and I wont forget it
I think this is a great point: even without signatures and photos is was still memorable. The photo or a signature will go on the shelf somewhere, to be seen once in a decade, but the memories are far better thing to own. And you certainly can't sell it on eBay
I have a colage of pictures framed in my office room at home, in which I'm with MK, John, David, Hal, Alan, Guy, Chris White, Ed Bicknell, Phil Palmer and Danny Cummings...
During years attending MK concerts, I was lucky to meet all of them, and decided to take the risk and having a negative answer by them, but in the contrary, all of them were happy enough and some even very funny and kind. Including MK, and I was lucky enought that it was before the times where he only possed for pics inside his car.