Oh wow, there are some great comments here which I can relate to!
I’d been keen on DS before and had gradually bought their back catalogue; still love Communique even now, so under rated.
In August 1991 I remember the 15 minute channel 4 mini documentary which was about the making of Callling Elvis. Remember saying to mum “that’ll never sell” to which she replied she really liked it and thought it was catchy! So ... I bought the calling elvis cd single on the day of its release and played the three tracks non stop for ages.
When OES came out in sept 1991 I bought it about a week later - and was disappointed. CE, when it comes to you, the bug, heavy fuel and how long were the stand out tracks. Skipped the rest initially then gradually started listening properly. I then discovered what an amazing album this really was - within a month it became my favourite album of all time AND it still is even after all this time. Still listen at least once a month, nothing else comes close!
Then came the tour - I missed the 1991 shows but ordered the tour brochure anyway. My first ever gig was DS at Manchester, 16th June 1992. A gorgeous day. I’d done my final GCSE the day before so I was free! I remember being bowled over by the sheer size of the stage. Watched some of Lyle Lovett, he was ok (grew to like him more afterwards). Was (not was) were a brilliant support band, such energy.
Then came DS. Blimey they were loud. I still get shivers in my spine when listening to private investigations ... despite being stood on a giant football pitch I remember just how much the floor shuck during the electric guitar bit followed by hearing so many local car and burglar alarms going off afterwards. Absolutely brilliant! Hoped to see another gig but with only Ipswich and Woburn Abbey let I didn’t manage it - but I recorded the whole show from radio 1, right from 3pm to 10:30 when it finished (sadly some recordings have gone astray).
Followed MK ever since. Thank you mark and bands, you’ve made my life very happy - liking DS as a 15/16 year old wasn’t trendy at the time but I didn’t care. To me, the live shows since have never hit the energy of the OES tour ... even if mark was bored!
Now if only we had a soundboard recording of PONO and ToL ... wow!
I’ve often wondered what the tour would have been like with jack instead of Phil. V good but different. Jack brought a lot of energy and fun to the BIA tour, the OES tour maybe in comparison was more studied and striving for professional perfection.
On The Night is ok as a souvenir album (you and your friend is superb) but it’s too clean and does miss the passion shows like Basel have.