You'll be surprised, but I'm on David's side. I'd say he even said it all in a calm way. And I love the "moon-cheese" thing he wrote
I wanted to make a caveat about what I shared with you guys about DK
I understand DK in a sense, but if I had going imperial way, wanting to impose something, I would give my hand to palmatória, it would be ridiculous of me to want to confront a living piece of history, I confess that I had to caution me express more appropriately, when I mentioned the book information, but even so, he let his demons upon me unnecessarily.
taking into account that:
1- It has very low artistic representation
2- All he has is due to lack of people at DS
3- All the work of his life was always compared to mk
4- 80% of people who talk to him only talk about the band
5 And this whole thing already has 30-plus years
6- He never liked that position people
Of course this does not corroborate for him to be rude, I know this should fill the patience, people who want details of the story. As he said, "I heard that the moon was cheese..."
He meant that scholars actually do not know anything, but that he could keep to himself
We also learn that the artist hates it when a fan wants to know more than him. What was NOT my case!
It's a pity he and some other people have interpreted this way!