think matts playing is so much better than Alan's , as he is much more classical approach and routs music approach, which I always prefer and listen too over the dire straits stuff which some of it I cringe over sometimes (not all though!!!!!!!!) ,the guitar playing is great ,but the rest of the synths up beat stuff I really don't like ( due too being a folk and blues man I guess) , really love knopflers, and the sound he had since 1996, and the sound these days , much more simpler playing than he did , but think it sounds so much better ,(just my option of course) love the band he has and the sound they make
do agree A FEW of 2015 concerts werent up too knopfler standards ( but dont we all have bad day sometimes, and the ones i saw werent that bad, he was 65 for some of them, the usa tour sounded better too
2016 at o2 28th october shows he still has it
2010 i thought were below par, did enjoy them but he was sitting down ( with a back problem) etc, the dates i went too in 2011-2013 think he stepped back up ( due not having a issue with his back
, sorry for a bit of a rant just want us all looking forward too a new tour and meeting up , and enjoying marks music together