Looked up some old Q&A's regarding Speedway on Guy's forum, which puzzled me at the time. After reading this nice piece of information (thanks ds1984!) it becomes clear Guy wasn't pulling my leg (as I thought, back then)!
First a question from Mike, San Diego:
"So, Guy, what year was Speedway originally written? Curious because it took me a year to really love that song. Just wondering if it was early Mark or middle-aged MK."
Guy: "I would guess the mid 90's."
Then, my question:
"Dear Doc, your remark concerning Speedway puzzled me a bit. After all, if the song was written in the nineties, the first sentence seems a bit strange: "After two thousand CAME two thousand and one. To be the new champions, we WERE there for to run...". Were the opening lines different, before it was recorded for STP? If so, could you enlighten us on the original lyrics of Speedway at Nazareth?"
Guy responded briefly: "no, those were the lyrics"