Hello everyone.
The second edition of the book, which is going to be more another book, will be titled:
"WALK OF LIFE, a walk through the places that inspired the songs and marked the history of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler"
Obviously the title is just "Walk of Life", lol
It's written by me and DMG, with help from many people from AMIT, specially Superval, without whom the Leeds chapter won't exists at all.
The reason to change it the name is because the first edition was mainly about London with some extra chapters about Newcastle, Glasgow, Edinburgh and New Forest, this new one has many other cities, like Leeds, New York, Penan, New Orleans, Nashville, Alabama or Philadelphia, so it was impossible to be titled "London" anymore!
Also this time is written, and the chapters sorted accordingly, in a biographical way, and DMG wrote himself some of the new chapters and rewrote some of the old, so that made this book also different from the "London" one.
The London one had 90 pages, the "Walk of Life" one has 298 pages!
I ordered three test pressings to me, DMG and the person who is designing it and it looks very great, but need some fixes that would be done, I hope, before MK release another record and make us write new chapters or add sections, lol
Like a preview, these are the chapters of "Walk of Life":
01. Glasgow
02. Newcastle
03. Leeds
04. Deptford
05. Islington
06. Clapham
07. Camden
08. West end
09. Notting hill
10. New York
11. Pennan
12. Hammersmith
13. Wembley
14. New Orleans
15. Edinburgh
16. Silvertown
17. New Forest
18. Southwark
19. Extras: Alabama, Nashville and Philadelphia
20. Bibliography