Rural northeastern California is hit very hard. We have no big corporations to get bailout funds to boost our local economy. Some small retail businesses have closed. Real estate sales have dropped nearly to zero. And some have lost their homes. Some people have been laid off, but that doesn't happen too much here, as there already is minimal employment. Oddly, restaurant prices have gone up, and people still continue to eat out. My husband's business is suffering, but fortunately for us, I have a steady paycheck. I find myself giving more to local food charities and such. And I maintain my donations to animal charities, for in this kind of economy, animals are often the first to suffer.
For example, our governor has suggested putting a tax on all veterinary services. People who already can barely afford veterinary care will forgoe it, and the animals will suffer. When ranchers buy veterinary medicine for their cattle on vaccination day, the bill ranges from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the size of the herd. This additional tax will oppress the already thin financial health of the agriculture industry.
State and local governments are hurting as much as big business (who continue to spend irresponsibility) and so they enact desperate measures such as the veterinary tax. Of course, all this further depresses the incomes of people in high poverty areas. Fortunately for all of us, we have a new President with a great new vision. Perhaps with his influence, the leaders of the world will pull togethe to solve this global crisis.