Thanks, foma. Outstanding achievement! Can you point out a little bit your transcribing experience. WHich songs impressed you most? Why? Why exactly was Hot Dog a struggle? Which song you didn't like to transcribe? This is very interesting, because i think you're at the moment the only person (apart from Mark and Guy) who has an deep inside about the musical structure of the songs (i mean transcribing every song on tracker! WOW!) Can you give us some thougts?
Great question, thanks! Thank you Ingrid, too.
Yes, I feel myself now as if I was actually in the studio recording this songs, because to check it out I needed to play it through 50 times each and listen 50 times each. Apart from transcribing, it helped very much to pick up every subtle detail and to dive deep in the song. Good for me as a non-English speaker, too, to read a song word by word.
And imagine what? You can believe or not, but after that I love ALL of them. At first listen I decided to throw ‘Mighty Man’, ‘Long Cool Girl’, ‘Broken Bones’, ‘Silver Eagle’, ‘Wherever I go’ and something else. I liked quite half of an album and was already happy with that. It was pretty hard to play again 'not mine songs', but after transcribing I love them as much as songs I loved immediately.
I think what cause this, is that I know exactly what I need to hear in a song to love it. In 'Mighty Man' is this medieval colour given by Bb Major chord, and very subtle chorus. I just wait for that and love the song.
Long Cool Girl is very classy structured song. It's in 2/4, almost reggae feeling, and it was hard to figure out when it starts actually. But it looks cool when written down. Most of the parts are repetitive, but you'll never notice that.
Skydiver and Basil used some interesting chords/bass joints, Silver Eagle is very Sailing To Philadelphia like, cool rhythm.
So basically, I think every Mark's song have something what can drive you to love it. And they all are beautiful when written down.
Although all this being said, I don't get 'Hot Dog' yet. And struggling part was just a joke
Thank you!