In some of the parts MK sings the same melody he sung in "Stand Up Guy"
Actually no other/previous Album sounded so "recycled" as this one...musically, or any other way...
I was looking for appropriate topic to say this, but did not find such, so I'll do it here.
I could go literally
song by song and saying things (as I did reply on few songs related topics already) like "this song basically is "that (old) song meets this (old) one", and so as River Towns is less boring version of Follow the Ribbon.
But, by "recycled" I
do not mean
anything negative. More just like "artist's signature" thing...and I'm happy to find that all this new ones, are far better that those which parts I can hear in the "Silver Eagle is "Get Lucky" meets "Devil Baby" with guitar from "Car was the one" + Shangri-La atmosphere" but I like it already more than any of those (which are great ones still)
"Laughs and Jokes" is cheered up version of "All the road-running" ...etc etc...
But boy, does it sound awesome!