Yes, example for the bad, polished thing is the Privateering track, with this industrial sound and the "intellectual" clapping, which goes on my nerves, why are they changing the clapping in the second going, too complicated for a seaman's song.. plus the band part sounds as you say, polished...
Examples for songs which I like the way they are produced:
Wanderlust, What It Is, 5.15 am, Boom Like That, Sucker Row especially, Fish And the Bird, Secondary Waltz, NOT Punish the Monkey, Before Gas & TV, Get Lucky, Redbud Tree, Gator Blood, Today is Okay...
Some songs need a "polished" approach like the phantastic track Hard Shoulder which is perfectly produced from my point of view..
How much I would love another "rough" sounding recording like Making Movies. Also Love Over Gold sounded, as tricky as it was, very live recorded.