I believe that the moral case should be left out. The phrasing on the article could be perceived in more than one way. (yeap, I would avoid doing it, but they have to promote their band as exceptional). There is some sort of prejudice. Mind you, I would probably not go to see them(and anyway Greece is too small a market to even consider it) , but I don't find anything immoral in their playing, as a tribute band with the extra of having two of the original members, in their line-up. And , yes, every band that makes money out of playing other people's songs pay an amount of money. Even in Greece, we have this and I know it stands for Germany, Italy and the USA. (apart from UK and Spain that is mentioned) I guess MK could stop them from playing if he was offended, but he can see that like any other tribute band, it helps him, filling the gaps and stimulating the desire for the original, so more sales for his records and tickets for his concerts. Anyway, we forget that Alan and his band are musicians and they have to make a living off of music. It is hard to start over with new material, now, even if they are the greatest songs ever, but they have to pay the bills somehow. If their live-concerts are worth the ticket, is the only thing we should be concerned.