I think Mark never really cared about live-recordings at all. I guess in his eyes, a "live" "recording" is something paradox if you know what I mean. Live is live, in terms of being there, enjoying "the moment" the same on stage and in the audience. To record something that exists for creating "the moment", or as he called it once, "a shared musical experience", is just not right. For monetary reasons, maybe documenting the status of a group, yes. For that, we have aLCHEMY, played by the Rock'n Roll Orchestra. And as the market is demanding (if it is), and as Paul Crockford said so, and because it is so easy these days, and for having material for new band members to brief them, they do recordings of every show today.
So I don't think he never gives so much thought about live versions or if they are good enough for release or not, at least not as much as WE do !! Pity, but maybe true. ("It has to fit on a CD if a double CD is too risky, so just get out the longer tracks. Ah, we had Sultans on Alchemy, hadn't we (can't remember)... ??") The good side of this is, he really is a "live" musician in the best sense of the word. It means really something to him, not just promoting a new product, playing live is really important for him it seems. Thank god!
I think the mp3-sticks and/or downloads are a standard now, also for future tours. So we will have them on a continuous base, which is more than I dreamed about let's say, 15 years ago.