Hi, Xardas,
I agree that sadly there has some harshness turned up in this thread which is not usual for AMIT which you probably know.
It is just about the sharing thing. Nobody doubts that you are a fan or not, that has nothing to do with it. But registering with the aim to expect to get the link has a little taste with it.
Don't forget, KNOPFLERFAN has no duty or anything to send it to us. He shared it with some friends that know him or that he knows (personally), and indeed in that case we sometimes tend to think that this is just a little MK village - and forget about the rest of the world reading it. In NO case you should generalize not getting a link with "AMIT not friendly" or "ghetto" stuff.
We had the same kind of bad feelings when somebody recorded the Redbud Tree single last year and had a link. Suddenly dozens of new members turned up only to get the link. And that's just not working. Somebody accused long-time members to be picky or arrogant only because they were not willing to send 100 mails per hour... and with that, all fun had gone. I also would have quit and saying kiss my ass and try to get the link somewhere else.
If The givers want to give, it's fine. As KNOPFLERFAN also said, he has a "real life", so you cannot blame him for not sending mails fast enough...
Please try to get over your bitterness and give us and yourself a chance to get more and better acquainted with..