My guess is that something must have happened during the years from 1992 to 1996. I think he came to some conclusions about his life. I guess he hates everything about how he was and behaved. Most people surely would agree that he was a real dick during his Dire Straits times. He himself will know it, too. Maybe some good influence of Kitty, also.
Everything that reminds him of these times maybe gives him a bad feel. That's okay with me. But as he behaved like a Boss and saw the band as a vehicle for his own stuff, he also is responsible for the testimony of the band. It's absolutely unprofessional to not even give a statement about the nomination. I don't care if he plays or not but hope he will not as it would be another cringeworthy moment, but he should let us know, and the RRHOF people also, and last but not least his former band mates. Seems a little part of that dick survived. The word Diva comes to mind...