Eurovision song context is even better than this thing.

Because all this Hall Of Fame Of Something thing isn't about achievements, but more like a random award given to random people. I understand Oscars, at least this award is about some kind of achievements, but HOF is more like a honorary Oscar — just to indicate that "we thought to give you this award, but here you have it, when you doesn't need it anymore". Charlie Chaplin got his Oscar 5 years before his death. Is this okay? Why not to give Radiohead the award, but The Moody Blues is okay?
Every one of these awards cheapens everything the artists do in my opinion, so the best way to recognise it is refuse to take it. I'm shocked that people even have an option to talk about the DS reunion. Reunion because of this? I think my birthday is a better cause for Dire Straits to go for a reunion.
Give Mark a knighthood and there'll be no questions about wether Alan Clark or David Knopfler should take it. Crystal clear, no questions about it, alcohol free award. By the way, Sir Roger Moore was knighted because of his "services to charity" and he was very proud of it. Because he got it not for his acting even.